Read articles relating to beaches around the world, and the fun things we do when we're visiting them.
In this video Pam from "Recycled Sea Treasures" Etsy shop shows you how to find the best sea glass beach in your own area. There are just four things you need to know to find the right spot!
Whether you’re lounging under an umbrella or stretching out on a towel, the perfect beach book can transport you to far-off lands, immerse you in thrilling adventures, or simply whisk you away into the depths of a gripping story. Here is a list of the top 20 best beach books that promise to make your sandy retreat an unforgettable literary journey. Compiled by beach experts from online publication, the #1 Guide to Florida’s Scenic Highway 30A.
Filmed in the Blue Lagoon, Fiji, this 8-hour video creates a magical tropical ambiance giving you an ultra-relaxing window to Paradise. Enjoy stereo sounds of the waves lapsing and watch palms blowing in the wind near a stunning white sandy beach and azure blue lagoons. Relax as the clouds slowly float by and imagine the feel of the tropical breeze gently blowing over your skin.
Real Sea Glass has a natural frosted appearance. In this video, Pam of Etsy Shop "Recycled Sea Treasures" will show you four simple steps to clean and polish your sea glass so the colors look bright and vibrant.
Fort Bragg, CA, is home to an entire beach of small pieces of sea glass. It is the result of a town dump established in 1906 and shut down in 1967. What remains are millions and millions of these colorful glass particles. Video created by popular YouTube channel creator "Mobile Instinct."